Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What Does God Think About Religion (continued)

So many people have issues with religion. Perhaps you are one of them? It is no wonder that this happens, considering what we discussed previously. It almost seems that you can't find anyone who has not had a bad experience with religion. Why is it that religions seem so contradictory so often? Almost all organizations claiming a religious purpose for existence espouse goodwill, peace, hope, nirvana, joy... while many in one way or another create a rulership of tyrannical oppressors? How does this happen? Whether it is an individual or the majority of a population following blindly behind a charismatic leader, the end result is that God's name gets dragged through the mud so that someones agenda or motives can get advanced.

If God could step in at this point and say something in His defence, what would it be. It is impossible to suppose that He supports everything that has been done in His name. But what does He thinks about the way you were hurt? Does He care? If you were in God's shoes, what would you say to you about the pain that you have suffered. It is my belief that God loves us in a way that we can never possibly understand. He loved us enough to create us, design us in a special way that never existed before us. He layed out a special plan for us that would bring about more joy and fulfillment than we could hope to lay out for ourselves. However, if God forced us to follow His plan, He would be nothing more than a tyrant that forced His plan on us. I've said it once, I will say it again, God's ways are not within our ability to understand. So why did He allow the suffering that you have experienced? Why did you have to go through the things that you have gone through? Seen the things you have seen? I don't know. I may never know. I do know this though, He loves you in a way that you have never been loved before. The things that you do now to mask your pain will not gain you anything. The things that you are pouring yourself into accomplishing will not fulfill you. Your destiny is an interesting thing. It is simultaneously a thing of your choosing and a masterful design crafted by the Creator of all things. God has something He wants to tell you. He has tried many ways, and now He is using this blog to try once again to get your attention. Will you give Him a chance?

1 comment:

أميرة البلطجية said...

Yeah, exactly as you said that the most evident sign on God's love is that he created us in the first place, and designed us to be so different and superior to any other of his countless creatures. But would God make some people suffer? In fact, the word "suffering" is not most accurate word to use here. A better choice of word would be "trial" or "tests". Why does God trial us or test us on earth? And before I answer this question, let me tell you that "trials", "tests" and whatever are not about being less fortunate, no, even healthy and wealthy people are being tested by the bless they are enjoying. Trials and tests - in Islam, and should be similarly understood in monotheistic religions- are exactly as the word test you. You wouldn't go to a certain school unless you get a certain GPA in high school, would you? And those who are not qualified enough, don't reach their coveted end. This is the point of life, all believers from across the faiths believe that there is an afterlife; it is eternal, and it is either in heaven or hell. And hell and heaven are the ultimate abode punishment or reward respectively. Life on earth is our passage to either end. If you stand the test (be it illness, health, poverty or wealth), will be simply going - and resting eternally- were you dream. The opposite is true. Someone might ask, how would "blessings" be a test? God tests you through His blessings to see, if you would exercise His will (as u know it in the Bible or Quran) with His own resources that He has bestowed upon you. Some mighty countries are bestowed with wealth and power, how do they use them? To inflict another kind of painful "tests" on God's creatures. Why would God let those blissfully test inflict the pain test on other people? It's through them that He is testing the second party. And again, as you said, God's relationship with his creatures is individual and personalized. He sends us signs and speaks to us though our events, fortunes and misfortunes, and only a faithful believe will be thankful when blessed and patient when inflicted with adversity.
Thank you for these nice posts